Our Creative Director Derick Gwyn Murdoch was fortunate to be invited to speak at this years European Immersive Computing Summit in Venice at Museo M9. The summit is two days of workshops and global speakers who are experts in extended reality (XR) from a variety of fields from education to healthcare.
Derick spoke about VR as an Empathy Engine, with our project Dementia First Hand as a case study which demonstrates the transformative power of VR. We’ll post a video of the talk on the site when it’s available.
EICS is brilliantly organised by the team at Uqido who produce some excellent VR experiences and mobile applications. We’re already looking forward to EICS 2020.
Galactig was also invited to the first European Commission Round Table : Developing Europe’s Leadership in Immersive Content chaired by Mr Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director for Media Policy, European Commission. This discussion aims to examine how to create opportunities in Europe around immersive content.