Keep Me Safe

Support for patients undergoing treatment for cancer

KeepMeSafe is a smart phone application that uses daily checklists to encourage contact with the clinical team if significant side-effects during cancer treatment are confirmed. 

KeepMeSafe is geared towards supporting cancer patients and completed feasibility studies with a successful patient trial in Ysbyty Gwynedd under the stewardship of Dr Chris Subbe – and other hospitals are looking at adoption. The app was co-produced with clinical teams from the North Wales Cancer Centre drawing on expertise from Tenovus, Macmillian and The Christie Cancer Centre with significant input from patient representatives from conception to evaluation. 

KeepMeSafe is predicated on the concept of ‘safety is a network’ and allows the app to be connected to another friend or family member to receive updates on the patient – this ‘buddy system’ is truly innovative in the health sector.


To reduce the impact of cancer complications on patients and their families. 


Modern treatments of cancer save many lives but are often associated with complications.

Many of these complications are predictable and some are preventable.

In order to help patient and their carers to keep safe during the challenging times of cancer treatment ‘Keep Me Safe’ encourages regular checks for important complications helping patients and their carers to take the right steps if these occur.


Co-design of a smartphone app with patients and health care professionals (BCUHB cancer network). The focus group supervised the development and patient trial.

Feasibility testing in small cohorts in two Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles of two months with refinement of the application between cycles. Total of fifty patients plus control group.

Evaluation and reporting with mixed methods: At the end of the 60-day period patients and family members were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their experience either during an outpatient appointment or by mail. Data on hospital usage was be extracted from the patient administration system.

Derick and colleagues were most responsive to our wishes, worked empathically with our patient representatives and beyond the considerable expertise, insights and commitment were as passionate about creating a truly innovative solution for our clinical challenges as we were.

Dr Christian SubbeConsultant in Acute, Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine | Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board





Patient App

'Keep Me Safe'...

educates about early warning signs of potential complications of cancer and its treatment


facilitates interaction with healthcare professionals, family and other carers


enhances safety of patients undergoing treatment for cancer


Academic Study available in JMIR Medical Journal

Published on 25.9.2020 in Vol 8, No 9 (2020): September

Checklists for Complications During Systemic Cancer Treatment Shared by Patients, Friends, and Health Care Professionals: Prospective Interventional Cohort Study

Background: Advances in cancer management have been associated with an increased incidence of emergency presentations with disease- or treatment-related complications.

Objective: This study aimed to measure the ability of patients and members of their social network to complete checklists for complications of systemic treatment for cancer and examine the impact on patient-centered and health-economic outcomes.

A prospective interventional cohort study was performed to assess the impact of a smartphone app used by patients undergoing systemic cancer therapy and members of their network to monitor for common complications. The app was used by patients, a nominated “safety buddy,” and acute oncology services. The control group was made up of patients from the same institution. Measures were based on process (completion of checklists over 60 days), patient experience outcomes (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy at baseline, 1 month, and 2 months) and health-economic outcomes (usage of appointments in primary care and elective and unscheduled hospital admissions).

At the conclusion of the study, 50 patients had completed 2882 checklists, and their 50 “safety buddies” had completed 318 checklists. Near daily usage was maintained over the 60-day study period. When compared to a cohort of 50 patients with matching disease profiles from the same institution, patients in the intervention group had comparable changes in Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and General version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy. Patients in the Intervention Group required a third (32 vs 97 nights) of the hospital days with overnight stay compared to patients in the Control Group, though the difference was not significant. The question, “I feel safer with the checklist,” received a mean score of 4.27 (SD 0.87) on a Likert scale (1-5) for patients and 4.55 (SD 0.65) for family and friends.

Patients undergoing treatment for cancer and their close contacts can complete checklists for common complications of systemic treatments and take an active role in systems supporting their own safety. A larger sample size will be needed to assess the impact on clinical outcomes and health economics.


Jones H, Smith H, Cooksley T, Jones P, Woolley T, Gwyn Murdoch D, Thomas D, Foster B, Wakefield V, Innominato P, Mullard A, Ghosal N, Subbe C
Checklists for Complications During Systemic Cancer Treatment Shared by Patients, Friends, and Health Care Professionals: Prospective Interventional Cohort Study
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(9):e19225
DOI: 10.2196/19225