Cadw Fi’n Ddiogel

Cefnogaeth i gleifion sy'n cael triniaeth am ganser

Mae CadwFi’nDdiogel yn ap ffôn sy’n defnyddio rhestrau gwirio dyddiol i annog cyswllt â’r tîm clinigol os caiff sgil-effeithiau sylweddol yn ystod triniaeth canser eu cadarnhau.

Mae CadwFi’nDdiogel wedi’i anelu at gefnogi cleifion canser ac mae wedi cwblhau astudiaethau a threialau cleifion llwyddiannus yn Ysbyty Gwynedd o dan stiwardiaeth Dr Chris Subbe – ac mae ysbytai eraill yn edrych ar eu mabwysiadu. Cynhyrchwyd yr ap ar y cyd â thimau clinigol o Ganolfan Ganser Gogledd Cymru gan dynnu ar arbenigedd Tenovus, Macmillian a Chanolfan Ganser Christie gyda mewnbwn sylweddol gan gynrychiolwyr cleifion o’r syniad i’r gwerthusiad.

Mae CadwFi’nDdiogel yn seiliedig ar y cysyniad o ‘rhwydwaith yw diogelwch’ ac mae’n caniatáu i’r ap gael ei gysylltu â ffrind neu aelod arall o’r teulu i dderbyn diweddariadau am y claf – mae’r ‘system gefeillio’ hon yn wirioneddol arloesol yn y sector iechyd.


Lleihau effaith cymhlethdodau canser ar gleifion a’u teuluoedd.


Mae triniaethau canser modern yn arbed llawer o fywydau ond yn aml maent yn gysylltiedig â chymhlethdodau.

Mae llawer o’r cymhlethdodau hyn yn rhagweladwy ac mae modd atal rhai ohonynt.

Er mwyn helpu cleifion a’u gofalwyr i gadw’n ddiogel yn ystod cyfnod heriol triniaeth canser mae ‘Cadw Fi’n Ddiogel’ yn annog gwiriadau rheolaidd ar gyfer cymhlethdodau pwysig gan helpu cleifion a’u gofalwyr i gymryd y camau cywir os bydd y rhain yn digwydd.


Cyd-ddylunio ap ffôn gyda chleifion a gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol (rhwydwaith canser BIPBC). Goruchwyliodd y grŵp ffocws y datblygiad a’r treial cleifion.

Profi dichonoldeb mewn carfannau bach mewn dau gylch Cynllunio-Gwneud-Astudio-Gweithredu o ddau fis gyda mireinio’r cais rhwng cylchoedd. Cyfanswm o hanner cant o gleifion ynghyd â’r grŵp rheoli.

Gwerthuso ac adrodd gyda dulliau cymysg: Ar ddiwedd y cyfnod o 60 diwrnod gofynnwyd i gleifion ac aelodau o’u teuluoedd lenwi holiadur am eu profiad naill ai yn ystod apwyntiad claf allanol neu drwy’r post. Tynnwyd data ar ddefnydd ysbytai o’r system gweinyddu cleifion.

Roedd Derick a’i gydweithwyr yn hynod ymatebol i’n dymuniadau, yn gweithio’n empathig gyda’n cynrychiolwyr cleifion a thu hwnt i’r arbenigedd sylweddol, mewnwelediad ac ymrwymiad yr un mor angerddol ag yr oeddem ni i greu ateb gwirioneddol arloesol ar gyfer ein heriau clinigol.

Dr Christian SubbeYmgynghorydd mewn Meddygaeth Aciwt, Anadlol a Gofal Critigol | Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr





Ap Claf

'Cadw Fi'n Ddiogel'...

yn addysgu am arwyddion cynnar o gymhlethdodau posibl canser


hwyluso’r driniaeth trwy ryngweithio gyda gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol, teulu a gofalwyr eraill


gwella diogelwch cleifion sy’n cael triniaeth am ganser


Academic Study available in JMIR Medical Journal

Published on 25.9.2020 in Vol 8, No 9 (2020): September

Checklists for Complications During Systemic Cancer Treatment Shared by Patients, Friends, and Health Care Professionals: Prospective Interventional Cohort Study

Background: Advances in cancer management have been associated with an increased incidence of emergency presentations with disease- or treatment-related complications.

Objective: This study aimed to measure the ability of patients and members of their social network to complete checklists for complications of systemic treatment for cancer and examine the impact on patient-centered and health-economic outcomes.

A prospective interventional cohort study was performed to assess the impact of a smartphone app used by patients undergoing systemic cancer therapy and members of their network to monitor for common complications. The app was used by patients, a nominated “safety buddy,” and acute oncology services. The control group was made up of patients from the same institution. Measures were based on process (completion of checklists over 60 days), patient experience outcomes (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy at baseline, 1 month, and 2 months) and health-economic outcomes (usage of appointments in primary care and elective and unscheduled hospital admissions).

At the conclusion of the study, 50 patients had completed 2882 checklists, and their 50 “safety buddies” had completed 318 checklists. Near daily usage was maintained over the 60-day study period. When compared to a cohort of 50 patients with matching disease profiles from the same institution, patients in the intervention group had comparable changes in Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and General version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy. Patients in the Intervention Group required a third (32 vs 97 nights) of the hospital days with overnight stay compared to patients in the Control Group, though the difference was not significant. The question, “I feel safer with the checklist,” received a mean score of 4.27 (SD 0.87) on a Likert scale (1-5) for patients and 4.55 (SD 0.65) for family and friends.

Patients undergoing treatment for cancer and their close contacts can complete checklists for common complications of systemic treatments and take an active role in systems supporting their own safety. A larger sample size will be needed to assess the impact on clinical outcomes and health economics.


Jones H, Smith H, Cooksley T, Jones P, Woolley T, Gwyn Murdoch D, Thomas D, Foster B, Wakefield V, Innominato P, Mullard A, Ghosal N, Subbe C
Checklists for Complications During Systemic Cancer Treatment Shared by Patients, Friends, and Health Care Professionals: Prospective Interventional Cohort Study
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(9):e19225
DOI: 10.2196/19225